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Weapons Training

A good variety of weapons are taught at this school.

Students will receive training on a specific weapon pertaining to their level:


We start with the Chi-na Stick: loosening & strengthening of arms and joints (level 10) enabling students to get ready for the next weapons training.

* Nunchaku: Basic (level 9)


A traditional Okinawan martial arts weapon consisting of two sticks connected at one end by a short chain or rope.


* Eskrima Stick (Arnis):  Basic (level 8)

Usually this involves increased emphasis on locking, controls, and disarms, focusing mainly on aspects of self-defense.


* Nunchaku: Intermediate (level 7)

It is used as a training weapon, since it allows the development of quicker hand movements and improves posture.


* Eskrima Stick (Arnis): Intermediate (level 6)

This emphasize keeping both hands full and never moving them in the same direction, and trains practitioners to become ambidextrous.

* Longstaff: Basic (level 6)

The bō is usually made with hard wood or a flexible wood, such as red or white oak.

* Longstaff: Intermediate (level 5)

The earliest form of the bō, a staff, has been used throughout Asia since the beginning of recorded history. Used for self-defense by monks.

* Broadsword: Basic (level 4)

Dao are single-edged Chinese swords, primarily used for slashing and chopping.

* Broadsword: Intermediate (level 3)

It is considered "The General of All Weapons".

* Guandao:  Basic (level 2)

A Guandao is a type of Chinese pole weapon that is used in some forms of Chinese martial arts.

* Guandao:  Intermediate (level 1)

On modern versions, a red sash or tassel is attached at the joint of the pole and blade.

On the Black Belt (level 0) every weapon is taken to the Advanced stage.

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